Here is the grass-man's girl-friend. He's calling her his round lady, and the bikini is a gift from him - he loves to reach for the stars..
(I've drawed the round lady with my dear mouse and used different textures to the bikini and beach, the sky is made from a photo.)
5 kommentarer:
Great hair! Good job.
She's amazing looking, her hair is fantastic, love your funny words as well. So sharp!
This is a great illo and very funny post. I love it. I would call it phat!
En flodt Dame! She is just what I will be like in Brazil after 1 month! In my yellow dot bikini but hopefully I´ll look somehow smaller ;)
Den er saa dejlig og flodt!
Love your imagination, and variety of style. Here's strength to the peachcoloured sun!
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