søndag, maj 07, 2006

round (some call it fat...)

Here is the grass-man's girl-friend. He's calling her his round lady, and the bikini is a gift from him - he loves to reach for the stars..

(I've drawed the round lady with my dear mouse and used different textures to the bikini and beach, the sky is made from a photo.)

5 kommentarer:

Elaine sagde ...

Great hair! Good job.

HARDWAX sagde ...

She's amazing looking, her hair is fantastic, love your funny words as well. So sharp!

The Unknown sagde ...

This is a great illo and very funny post. I love it. I would call it phat!

Zórdís sagde ...

En flodt Dame! She is just what I will be like in Brazil after 1 month! In my yellow dot bikini but hopefully I´ll look somehow smaller ;)

Den er saa dejlig og flodt!

modroom sagde ...

Love your imagination, and variety of style. Here's strength to the peachcoloured sun!